Breakfast biscuits: These types of products can apparently release energy slowly over several hours and as part of a balanced diet provide the body with the essential energy required to start the day. For a complete breakfast you`re advised to eat them with a yogurt for protein, a piece of fruit and a cup of tea for hydration to create a balanced breakfast. This sounds okay in theory but how easy it is to just pick up the biscuits and munch on them like a snack forgetting the yogurt and fruit! Sugar content is also quite high so consider as an occasional breakfast.
Cereal bars: There are a huge amount of cereal bars on the market "“ some are "˜healthy` some are not. The best ones to look out for are those made from dried fruit, nuts and seeds only "“ avoiding any added free sugars. These are usually small in size so will most likely not be the most filling breakfast on their own.
Breakfast drinks: Another on-the-go alternative with many brands now serving up breakfast in a bottle, claiming to offer an all-in-one solution by delivering protein, energy and fibre. You should check the sugar content of these products before consuming and if high consume only occasionally. It`s easy to drink a lot more calories than eat in one go "“ for example in a smoothie it may contain several portions of fruit (and vegetables) and some added fruit juice, you can easily drink this quickly but you probably wouldn`t sit down and eat an apple, banana, and handful of strawberries in one go. So think before you drink!