Walking can provide calmness in our daily lives (as opposed to that nervous panic when your train is delayed or you`re stuck in traffic), and the opportunities that walking presents whether this be the opportunity to pick up a pint of milk, to check out the menu of a new restaurant or to burn off more energy than you would sat in your car.
Walking to and from everyday destinations is also a great way to clear the mind, it gives you time to process your thoughts, let your mind wander and for you to take in some fresh air. Walking can have beneficial effects on your mental wellbeing as well as your body`s wellbeing; one hour of walking can burn a similar amount of energy to that found in a large latte made with whole milk, a Cadbury`s Wispa bar or a small portion of nachos!
Government recommendations are to aim for 150 minutes of weekly exercise, and brisk walking is one of the activities that count towards this goal. Trying to include a brisk 10 minute walk daily can have a number of health benefits including: building your stamina, burning excess calories and help maintain your heart health. It may sound so simple but walking truly is the most simplest activity you can do that can get you more active, help you loose weight and better for the environment!