Grains provide your body with energy and a variety of vitamins and minerals making them an important part of a healthy balanced diet. There is a vast selection of grains, making it easy to find a few that you enjoy, and each type of grain has their own nutritional benefits.
So here is a guide to some of the more common grains you will find in supermarkets and also some of the more unusual grains that you may find in larger supermarkets or health food stores:
A is for Amaranth. The staple grain of the ancient Aztecs, it is actually a seed rather than a grain and it looks like brown caviar when it is cooked. Amaranth is a source of calcium, is high on protein and is gluten free.
B is for Buckwheat. Despite its name buckwheat is not wheat at all but is actually related to rhubarb. It is deliciously nutty and is thought to help reduce cholesterol and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Gluten free, a source of protein and magnesium. It's a great grain to try out.
B is also for Bulgur Wheat. A nutritious grain with plenty of dietary fibre to support healthy digestion and help regulate blood sugar levels. It is naturally low in fat and a source of protein. We have a great Tabbouleh recipe that uses it.